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The Brothers Karamazov

The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

This was a long book with small print on a lot of pages. I enjoyed the character development and setting the background leading up to the big event in the book. I enjoyed the honesty the characters displayed to everyone. They were not hiding anything from us.

There were a few monologues that occurred in various parts of the book. I’m not sure I was able to make all the connections the author is making. I let the author guide me along and am not really trying to guess or anticipate what is going to happen.

After the big event, there was like a whole additional story to tell. I found this part to go slowly and there were detours to wrap up character stories in different areas. It was nice to see some of the stories come to a more complete ending and leave you excited about what adventures await our friends.

This is one of the books in Daria’s Reading List that I’m working on getting through.