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Critique of Pure Reason

Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant

This book was an insane test of will. I worked through this book slowly over the last few months. It is hard to grasp all that is trying to be conveyed. I was reading to just read. Things came together the further into the book I got, but I at times kept asking myself why I was continuing to read this book. I finally arrived out at the other end and would not wish this book to be assigned to anyone, if you want to read it, be my guest.

Toward the final chapters it really began to read like a book and flowed in it’s arguments. The beginning and much of the middle was used to try to explain in detail different parts that would be used to build his argument. In these explanations I had the hardest time reading and making sense of things.

This is one of the books in Daria’s Reading List that I’m working on getting through.